
AGACC-II is a Belgian research project, coordinated by BIRA-IASB.

Two research Institutes and two Universities are involved: BIRA-IASB, KMI-IRM, ULB and ULg.

What is AGACC-II?

  • This research project studies the composition of our atmospherUccle_campaign1e, and is funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office in the framework of the research programme "Science for a sustainable development - SSD", more particulary in the theme "Polar Research, Climate and Atmosphere".
  • Our scientists use different types of ground based instruments to measure the composition of the atmosphere, above Belgium, the Swiss Alps, the Indian Ocean and Southern Africa.
  • In the lab, our scientists also study the spectroscopic parameters of compounds present in the atmosphere.
  • Our researchers develop models for an enhanced interpretation of the measurements.


  • It will provide a better knowledge of atmospheric processes and of the biogeochemical cycles.
  • The results are communicated to policy makers and are used in national and international environmental assessment reports, e.g. WMO scientific assessment of ozone depletion, the IPCC report.
  • The data  contribute to international spectroscopic databases.
  • The scientific results are communicated to the international scientific community via publications and  conferences. This  enhances international collaboration and better understanding of the atmospheric composition.